Feeling are us, they defines us in a situation. Feeling and emotions are major part of human's life, without feeling we will be nothing than a robot who does the work told to do. Feeling something give us the power to make a difference between choices. Human brain is not a logical thinker it is a emotional thinker. Felling something towards something help us to express what we think about something and how it is affecting us in the first place. There are tonns of different types of feeling and a average human fells the majority of feelings and emotions in his lifetime.
Can we hijack our feelings?
We are not always in-charge of our thoughts, emotions and feelings somehow we can control it on a point but after a specific level it becomes impossible to get control of our feelings back at our hand but most of the people do a lot of stuff do always be in control for their feelings. Some of them always try to control their feelings in a limit and after a specific period of time they totally become the masters of their thoughts and feeling this way of controlling felling and emotions can be best demonstrated by monks saints and religious people all over the globe. They put their mind thinking that they are always the master of their feelings and thoughts and once they are able to upload their words in their Subconscious mind, then control of them over their feelings becomes strong and with time it becomes stronger. But this is a long process it takes several years for them to master their thoughts and feelings this requires patience and practice over time. But some of the people go for the easy way of hijacking their feelings and emotions they start taking brain stimulants to get high. Taking narcotics alcohols weed trigerres the pleasure hormonal system of the brain and a large amount of dopamine is secreted from the brain and the consumer feels really good (Alcohols and narcotics are not recommended for exceessive use here) but all this highness is just for a few hours and after that the consumer will now restore it's conciousness and this makes a habit to make use of this narcotics and alcohols again and again making the consumer addictive to all these.
What the idea is?
Here i have a idea to end all this suffering . Just because to get this dose of regular drugs some of the people gets so intense that if they don't get their dose everyday based on their consumption, they will go mad, all that they will want at that moment is somehow they could get their dose. Because brain feels so good because of consuming these drugs the brain gets addicted to drugs and narcotics. This leads in several mental disorders and sometimes may even lead to the death of the consumer if consumed limitlessly for a long period of time. So their is an idea for this, let us elaborate down here.
Let's see from the most simplest and the most basic way why do people come in contact with these alcohols, drugs and narcotics, all because they want to feel good and the brain too feels good for this and will make demand of stimulants continuously but what if we could give the feelings people want without making them in contact with alcohols, narcotics, drugs or things like weed etc. We would just solve the biggest cause of the problem of mental illness and addiction.
Let's answer your question!
How we are gonna do it?
We will make packets of emotions and the feelings every human need when it is necessary for them. Isn't it amazing that we will be able to put a feeling in a packet and whenever someone needs it they can use the packet to get their respective feelings and will not have to be in contact with those narcotics and drugs which were affecting their lives very badly. All we need to do is to create a technology so that they can record someone's feeling and extract it to a small sized packet and hence make it usable for others. But this is the technology that is not possible yet and we can do nothing but to wait but once when this technology arrives it will make the world free from narcotics and drugs...