The richest man in Babylon
In the pages of history their lives snow city mod glamorous then Babylon it's very name confused visions of wealth and Splendor its treasure of gold and silver fabulous naturally pictures such a will the city is located in a suitable setting of tropical luxury surrounded by rich natural resources of forest mines such was not the case.
It was located beside the euphrates river in a flat arid valley it had no for its no mines not even stone for building it was not be located up on a natural trade route the rainfall was insufficient to raise crops Babylon is an outstanding example of man's ability to achieve great objective using whatever means are at his disposal all of the resources supporting this large city where man developed all of it riches were man made.
Babylon possessed just two natural resources of fertile soil and water in the river with one of the greatest engineering engineering accomplishments of this or any other day Babylon engineers diverted the waters from the rivers by means of dam and immenses irrigation canals for out across that a read valley wind these candles to put the life-giving waters over the fertile soil these ranks among the first engineering fiets known to history such evidence crops as where the reward of this irrigation system the world has never seen before.
The luckiest man in the Babylon
At the head of his carvan, proudly road to Sharru Nada, The merchant Prince of Babylon. Hi-lite fine cloth and grow rich and becoming rocks he like find animals and set isliye upon his spirited Arabian stallion to look at him one would hardly have gift his advanced years certainly they would not have suspected that he was inwardly troubled.
The journey from Damascus is long and the hardship of the desert many these he minded not the Arab tribes are fears and eager to loot rich karva this he fear not for his many fleet mounted guard where a safe protection.
About the youth and his side whom he was bringing from Damascus was he disturbed. This was Hadan Gula, to whom he felt he would a debt of gratitude which could never be repaid. He would like to do to something for his grandson but the more he considered this the more difficult it seemed because of the youth himself. In the young man's ring and hearing he thought to himself he thinks jewel are for men still he easy as his grandfather strong face but his grandfather was no such gaudi robes. Yet I shoght him to come hoping I might help him get a start for himself and get away from the wreck his father has made of their inheritance. Hadan Gula brokes in upon his house why do work so hard riding always with the carbon upon its long journeys? Sharru Nada replied" to enjoy life" !.
If I had wealth equal to the in I will live like a prince never across the hot desert would I ride I would spend the shackles as fast as they came to my purse I would wear the richest of robes and the nearest observables that would be a life to my liking a life worth living both men laughed. "The grandfather wore no jewels". Sharru Nada spoke before he thought then continued jokingly would you leave no time for work?
Work was made for slaves Hadan Gula responded. Sharra Nada bit his sleep but made no reply riding in silence until the trial led them to the slope he returned his Mount and pointing to the green valley faraway see there is a valley look for down and you can't faintly see the walls of Babylon the tower is the temple of well if thine eyes are sharp thou mayes even see the smoke from the eternal fire upon its crest.
"So that is Babylon?". Always have I I longed to see the will the city in all the world", Hadan Gula commented. "Babylon where my grandfather started his fortune would he was still alive we would not be sorely pressed".
Three old man plowing a field caught Sharu Nada's attention. This am strangely familiar how ridiculous! One does not pass of field after 40 years and find the same men plowing there. Get something within him said they wear the same one with uncertain group held the plow, the others labourer sleep lauded beside the oxygen in effectually beating them with their barrel staves to keep them pulling
40 years ago he had invite these men have gladly he would have exchange places but what are difference now with pride he looked back at his training carbon will choose in camels and donkeys loaded high with valuable goods from Damascus all this was but one of his possession.
Why could he not worry the past and live in his present then he so as in picture The smiling face of aarad gula the barrier between himself and the cynical used beside him dissolved but how could he have such a superior youth with his spendthrift ideas and be jewelled hands? Work he could offer in plenty to building workers but not for men who considered themselves too good for work it he owned it to a regular to do something not a half-hearted attempt he and arad gula had never done things that way they were not that sort of men. A plant came almost in a flash their objections he must consider his own family and his own standing it would be cruel it would hurt being a man of quick decision he waved objection and decided to act would though be interested in hearing how they were the grandfather and my cell join in partnership which group so profitable he questioned? Why not just tell me how do made the golden shackles that is all I need to know the young man parried