Quantum Biology Explained


According to research being carried out at present, Quantum Entanglement is also assumed to play a key role in the photosynthesis process in plants. Although Quantum Entanglement lasts only a fraction of a second and involves no more than 100,000 molecules, nature has exploited the principle to drive efficiency using quantum techniques.

Quantum Biology

What Is Quantum Biology?

Exciting new branches of science are emerging based on Quantum Entanglement principles. Experiments carried out on migratory birds, for example, show how Quantum Entanglement helps some migratory birds to navigate their way from one corner of the continent to another, flying to and from distances of 13,000 km or more. A study carried out on European Robins, the small birds that migrate every year from the cold regions of Scandinavia to warm equatorial Africa, only to return in Spring, have interesting findings. The study was carried out by the husband-wife team of Wolfgang and Roswitha, of Frankfurt University, Germany. It is generally believed that migratory birds have an in-built compass that is based on measuring the angle between the earth's magnetic field lines and the surface of the earth. This in turn helps them navigate across continents. In the experiment, when the birds were blindfolded, they were unable to navigate, despite the presence of the magnetic field, indicating that the eyes must somehow be involved in sensing the magnetic field. In the year 2000, Thorsten Ritz, a physicist, and some of his colleagues, suggested Quantum Entanglement as a possible explanation. According to their proposal, a bird's eye has a type of a molecule that has two electrons which are entangled. As seen earlier, when two electrons are entangled, one spins clockwise while the other entangled partner electron, spins in an anti-clockwise direction, resulting in overall zero spin. So, their argument was that if the magnetic field was inclined, it would affect the two entangled electrons differently, which changed the chemical reactions in the molecule. This difference, translated into neurological impulses, ultimately created the image of the magnetic field in the bird's brain.
Over the last 80 years, QM researchers have been engaged in understanding the strange behavior of sub-atomic particles. They are trying to apply QM to larger objects in nature such as a virus. They would like to know if a virus can be made to exist in a state of entanglement. We humans are made of trillions of electrons and protons, and if these particles can behave so strangely, why not us? Can we one day interact with our own superposed selves who live in another corner of the universe? Readers may note that the idea of this book is not to tread the path of science fiction writers!
Many strongly believe that there is a connection between Quantum Physics and the consciousness, that could be demonstrated some day in the future. Science as a whole is exploring new and hidden mysteries that abound in nature. We will explore how not only QM, but other theories from the scientific world such as Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and a few concepts from the domain of mathematics, are making breakthroughs to demystify the hidden designs of nature. Man has come to manipulate the world and play around with her designs, to unravel the ultimate meaning of everything that is around us.

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